Charity Core Challenge

For January and February

Please complete the following, get your base line results and send me your chosen level and results. I will then send you your 4 week program.Normal deal applies. £5 in (£5 fine), all who complete go into the draw to nominate charity.

  1. Plank choose level. kneeling or toes and Time your maximum hold one attempt with good form only.
  2. Ab crunch, choose level, Feet down, feet up legs bent, feet up legs straight, How many reps in one go.
  3. Russian twists, choose level feet down, feet up, sitting up or leaning back.
  4. Hollow body hold, choose level, arms and chest, arms chest and bent legs, arms chest and straight legs or chest up with arms and legs lowered. Time your maximum hold.

We will re test in 4 weeks.